| 1. | Stream standards refer to quality of receiving water downstream from the origin of sewage discharge . 水体标准是指污水排放点下游的受纳水体的水质。 |
| 2. | Is combined sewer overflow spill frequency / volume a good indicator of receiving water quality impact 混合下水道溢出频率和容量是接收水质影响的一个好指数? |
| 3. | Relation between intercepting ratio and receiving water shoule be analyzed in order to select rationally the intercepting ratio 截流改造工程中截流倍数的合理选择,需要分析截流倍数与受纳水体水环境质量之间的定量关系。 |
| 4. | Much like weather vanes in whirlwinds , some sensors in a vortex receive water flowing one way while those on the other side find it flows in the opposite direction 就像旋风中的风向标一样,漩涡中一侧的传感器能够感应到同侧的水流,而另一侧的传感器能够感应到对侧的水流。 |
| 5. | 5 the permit holder shall ensure that all runoff from the construction site is routed through oil / grit separators and / or sediment basins / traps before discharge into nearby receiving waters 许可证持有人须确保建造工地流出的所有径流,均先流经油污砂砾分隔器及或沉淀池沉积物捕集装置,才排放出附近的接收水体。 |
| 6. | All all , the mother including the cat looking at rain , receiving water , iron wire , upper wire rain droplet , the swallow wooing etc . , have a distinctive scenery added all only for being on the same level in chilly beautiful rain 一切的一切,包括看雨的猫,接水的妈妈,铁丝、电线上的雨滴,鸣叫的燕子等等,都只是为了在凄美的雨中平添一份独特的风景。 |
| 7. | At the same time , study on the relation between them needs calculating quantitatively combined sewer system overflow ( cso ) spill volume 、 time and water quality and study the self - purification of contamination in receiving water 研究截流倍数与水体环境质量之间的关系,则需要定量计算合流制排水系统的溢流水量、水质以及溢流时间,并在此基础上研究溢流污水在水体中的净化过程。 |
| 8. | The inhabitants were very happy to see us and gladly accepted the supplies we offered , being especially elated to receive water and ice because the fema truck that normally delivered these supplies had not come that day 人们看到同修时都很高兴,并且欣然接受同修所致赠的物品,尤其是收到水与冰块时感到特别兴奋。因为通常fema的大型卡车每天会来提供这些物品给他们,当天由于某些因素,卡车没有出现。 |
| 9. | " the new arrangement of not issuing zero bills will help achieve savings of $ 700 , 000 and $ 900 , 000 in 20032004 and 20042005 respectively , " he added . customers who do not receive water bills may check their account balance and the latest amount of water consumption by calling wsd hotline at 2824 5000 他补充:这项不再发出零水费单的新安排,可于二三四及二四五年度分别节省七十万元及九十万元。 |
| 10. | Speaking at the press briefing on the project after the contract signing ceremony , the director of drainage services , mr raymond cheung tat - kwing , said today ( august 27 ) that tertiary - level treatment was given to the sewage collected at ngong ping in order to protect this environmentally sensitive area and the water quality of the water gathering ground for shek pik reservoir and other receiving water bodies 渠务署署长张达?今日(八月二十七日)在签约仪式后,向传媒简介工程内容时表示,为保护这环境敏感地带和石壁水塘集水区及其他接收水域的水质,因此在昂坪收集的污水,将采用三级程度处理。 |